Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Keep Your Home Warm

Heating expenses have skyrocketed in the past few years and many homeowners are finding it hard to make ends meet while keeping toasty. Here are some simple tips you can try in order to keep warm and on budget.

First, consider your options when it comes to what method of heating you use. Gas, both natural and propane, can easily break the bank when temperatures dip.

Many homeowners are switching to energy efficient infrared heaters that can be moved from room to room as needed. These homeowners swear by these small units and note that their heating bills dropped dramatically after starting their use.

If there are multiple electric companies offering services to your area be sure to check and see who has the cheapest rates. You'd be surprised how much their charges can vary!

Next, do you have the option to burn wood? Many homes come equipped with wood-burning fireplaces and wood stoves. With the proper fans or duct-work you can heat an entire home.

If you live in a rural area and have access to trees, you may have free firewood at your disposal (after putting in a little sweat and time). Otherwise, most cities have local businesses that sell wood by the bundle or rick.

It's not all about what heaters you use, though. Sometimes it's about keeping cold air out and warm air in. First, check around all your windows and doors for places that need recaulked. Be sure all windows are firmly closed and if you have a drafty door, consider installing an outside storm door.

The same maintenance check goes for older homes' insulation. Insulation can be insufficient or entirely lacking. Take a good look at your attic and decide if you need to install do a little upgrading.

There are multiple options, including those large fluffy rolls (in varying grades for varying temperatures), spray insulation, and even thin sheets that can reflect cold air out.

Insulated curtains can also be a beautiful way of keeping warm air inside your home. Some claim to reduce energy loss by as much as 40 percent.

These are just a few tips! Keeping warm can be difficult in the coldest of days this season. Take a few precautions and do research on the latest energy prices and you're sure to stay on budget.

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